Even Faster: Loading Half a Billion Rows in MySQL Revisited
A few months ago, I wrote a post on loading 500 million rows into a single innoDB table from flatfiles. This was in the effort to un-‘optimize’ a premature optimization in our codebase: user action credits were being stored in monthly sharded tables to keep the tables small and performant. As our use of the code changed, we found more and more that we had to do a query for each month to see if a user had taken an action. We implemented some performance optimizations (mainly memcaching values from prior months as they are immutable), but it was still overly complicated and prone to bugs. Since we had another table that was 900m rows, it seemed reasonable to collapse these shards into one 500m row table.
Since writing the last post, I’ve learned that there’s a much quicker way to
combine those tables — as long as you already have the data in MySQL. MySQL
allows for selecting from one table into another via the INSERT INTO ..
which might look something like:
1 2 |
This shouldn’t be surprising; an ALTER TABLE on an innoDB table creates a new table with the new schema and copies the rows from the old table over to the new table.
With large tables though, you still have to do a little leg work to get this to work properly. First, the database machine needs enough space to hold both the old table(s) and new tables on disk, until you’re able to delete the old table. As you insert into the table, inserts will get slower and slower. This also makes sense; as the table grows the indexes grow, and working with them gets slower. You’ll want to break the loading into many chunks so that each transaction completes in a reasonable amount of time. In practice, I’ve found that the optimum chunk size gets smaller as the size of the table grows. Starting at 100k rows is not unreasonable, but don’t be surprised if near the end you need to drop it closer to 10k or 5k to keep the transaction to under 30 seconds. If you don’t keep the transaction time reasonable, the whole operation could outright fail eventually with something like:
1 2 3 |
It will certainly slow down (I wish I had kept a graph of timestamp vs rows inserted, but it’s certainly de-motivating). You might also want a delay as to not overwhelm the slave and cause replication to lag too far behind. I used external files to store the values of both variables that were read from disk at each iteration, so that I could change the values without interrupting the script. Using the same file trick, each iteration wrote out the table name and id of the last row read (in case something broke and I wanted to resume).
This is the script that was used to perform the migration. I left it running in a tmux session and also used `watch -n 10 LAST_WRITTEN’ to monitor the progress.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 |
There’s a slight concern that dropping the table while the filesystem deletes the ibd files (where the innoDB data lives) will lock the table for a long period of time (see http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=41158), but it wasn’t a problem when I tried it on a 116 GB table. If you prefer to be paranoid (like I was), there’s a trick you can use to unlink the table data asynchronously: create a hard link to the table’s .ibd file before you DROP the table; the DROP will only unlink one of the two hard links to the file. Afterward you can `rm the_hardlink’ and your filesystem will remove the .ibd data. Using this method in practice took me 5 seconds to DROP and 13 seconds to rm the hardlink.
If all you need to do is a simple alter table (and not something complicated like combining sharded tables), I’d recommend using the pt-online-schema-change tool provided by Percona. We’ll look at the details of that tool in a future post.